What is a holistic life?

A whole life is a full life in Christ. We are on this pursuit. Join us!

Let’s start with some context. Who are we?

We got hitched at 18 and 20, experienced some success in business at young ages but saw emptiness in materialism and consumerism. We started searching for fulfilment and God was waiting to step in. We’ve never been the same. The journey has taken us to 38 countries, 3 kids and many lessons in language, faith, culture and travel.

Why start a blog?

We realized in many circles the ideas of wholeness are limited to health, spirituality or diet. We also saw how many christians were overloaded with the burdens of life. As we followed Jesus, we realized he wanted to be in every area of our lives and make it whole! He even brought redemption to our idea of business! 

So what is wholeness?

There is an ancient hebrew word, shalom, that really speaks to what we are pursuing. It is usually translated in our Bibles as “peace” but has a  deeper meaning encapsulated by a combination of love, order, justice and peace. With that in mind, we believe wholeness is linked to a combination of:

Each of the above areas of wholeness are interconnected creating a holistic life. The glue that holds these areas together and gives them power is a life in God. We would never be where we are today if it were not for encountering God (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

We sincerely hope to help you along your path to wholeness—even if it’s just one step.

Got ideas?

We are always looking for content ideas to explore with you. If you have any suggestions, message us!

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